1:1 투자관련 미팅 예약
1:1 IR Investment Meeting Reservation
At the 21st World Korean Business Convention in 2023, the Venture Capital Investment Forum and 1:1 Investment Meetings, hosted for the first time by the Korean American Chamber of Commerce USA (KACC USA), were successfully held.
Following this, many investment institutions from Korea and the United States supported the participating companies, which have cumulatively received investments exceeding 22 billion KRW (companies include Promedius, BANF, Remex, Future sense, Medivel Bio, and Gooppa).
As of 2025, these companies have continued to grow steadily, thanks to the investments and networks they have received.
At the upcoming 23rd World Korean Business Convention in Atlanta in 2025, participating companies can look forward to investment opportunities and growth through investment support and access to the expansive American network.
ApplicationFirst-come, first-served for 54 companies
Schedule 4/19/2025 (Sat) 9:00 ~ 16:00
LocationMaple Room 2’nd floor at Gas South Convention Center, Atlanta
  • Register
  • 📢1:1 IR Investment Meeting Application Guide

    • 1.
      After payment on the application page, Please proceed to the Meeting Applicationwebsite.
    • 2.
      Meeting ApplicationLog in > Add company information > Select the investor companies to meet.
      (Maximum 4 companies / First-come, first-served)
    • 3.
      The secretariat will send confirmation and guidance via email.
    • Overview
    • Investor Company
    • Schedule
    • Seating